

We have all felt the fear and trembling, the shyness, the precious vulnerability, at the thought of sharing what is in our hearts. If we are able, in that moment of truth, to let the speaking of our heart with pure intent be its own completion, that act of courage frees the whole flock and our spirit soars. What truth lives caged in your heart waiting for you to give it a voice?

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Read A Love Poem First

Read A Love Poem First

Do you rush headlong into the day? Do you have a morning routine that connects you with yourself? Here’s a challenge: Before you rushing your day, read a love poem first, everyday between now and Valentine’s Day. Almost any Rumi poem will do, since his poetry is sourced from love. Or you can use any of my Valentine’s Day collections, including the latest e-book, The Heartbreak of Desire, available for free for a limited time..

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Cathedral of Silence

Cathedral of Silence

To sit in silence is one of the most beautiful and profound experiences. If you still yourself long enough to dip below the noise of the world, to listen beyond or between your own chatter, you can sit at the edge of silence, which is the backdrop of creation. I wrote Cathedral of Silence in one piece after after meditation with a friend. The poem offers a time to reflect: What is your prayer of the heart? What is your prayer for the world?

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Foolish Notion

Foolish Notion

I am an optimist and, despite the massive evidence to the contrary (the deadly wars, the daily violence, and the climate of madness we have created with each other and the world), I still believe love will eventually conquer all. It’s not really a Christmas poem, but it seems fitting right now, given all that is going on in the world. Are you an optimist?What do you think is needed for us to survive as a species on this planet?

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The Demon Of My Everyday Life

The Demon Of My Everyday Life

Despite years of personal work and all the effort I put into changing limiting beliefs, I still find myself overlooking the most obvious ones. I rarely get angry about big things, but I rile against little inconveniences and petty things. I accept big things as out of my control, as examples of the greater forces in life at work. But I attach a big "should' to little things: the computer should work perfectly, the ink should flow smoothly. This poem asks: How can I be the hero of my own story if I shy away from the demon of my everyday life? 

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Struggling To Relax

Struggling To Relax

At times, many people, myself included, face this irony of working hard to relax. Our bodies become accustomed to tension and we hold tightened muscles unconsciously. The unnatural tension becomes natural. Consequently, we must work at relaxing and struggle against what has become normal in our bodies. Where do you carry your tension? What do you do to manage it?

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