Wandering In Rapture
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This collection of love poems is the 7th entry in my Valentine’s Day series of e-books celebrating love. Love, perhaps more than anything else, has the power to sweep us up into rapture and deliver us to the shore of a new life. In its most sublime form, rapture allows us to forfeit the need to drive our lives to a destination and, instead, turn our lives over to love. To be “wandering in rapture” is to follow love wherever it leads. Of course, this is a romanticized vision of a divine life, a huge leap from where most of us live our day-to-day existence, seemingly reserved for saints and angels and the most spiritually evolved among us. But when I am carried away in rapture, I know it is who we are, and, despite all the evidence to the contrary, I know we are all already there. Poetery is the language most suited to rapture and has been the instrument of its tramsmission throughout the ages. I do not pretend to be in the same starlit heaven as Rumi or Mirabai or Saint Francis of Assisi, but the rapture of ecstatic poetry opens my heart like no other lover and the view it offers is sublime. The ecstatic is not reserved only for poets who are skewered with joy and swept away in the Rapture of Delight:
“Nick LeForce writes with his blood. His passionate, authentic search for the Real courses through every line and leaves its mark in the heart of the reader. His poetry illumines “the newness of things already known,” and never more so than when he speaks of love - the love of God, the love of another, the love that marries heaven and earth. Read his work and you will see the world with fresh eyes”
Anybody whose heart
has been broken
into tenderness
can be lifted into rapture
by the sunset lapdance
of wave against shore
or the glittery fragrance of lilac.
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Delight is one of those words
you have to say over and over
until your tongue
is a hummingbird
dipping for the nectar.
It originally meant
from the stars.
That is how far
Delight has come
in search of a garden
where it can flourish.
All it takes is to turn
the heart over and say,
“I will be the lens
of your lighthouse
and all the fields around
are yours to seed.”