Sitting With Buddha

Sitting With Buddha

Spirit moves through us in magical ways and we never know when it will grant us an audience with the divine. Iconic images of enlightened ones offer an opportunity, but no guarantee. I have sat before spiritual images and never experienced the flash of enlightenment. Now, I look to writing and inner work to lift something up from the depths that might water the seeds of new life.

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Infinite Me

Infinite Me

Perhaps you have had one of those moments, somewhere between wake and sleep, when you enter a magic realm, and it feels as if a long time has passed, but you are surprised to find it was only a few moments of clock time. This playful poem is about that magic realm, a land of fantastic beings and magic moves, a fantasy world where I am free to fly as a bird or swim like a fish! What world waits for you when you enter that space between waking and sleeping?

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As a teenager, before departing on my first airplane trip alone, I bought a copy of a Science Fiction magazine that included a short story about a man that stopped time by experiencing the whole of his life, from birth to death, all-at-once. The idea fascinated me and has been with me since. Here is my poetic translation of this idea: How wide is your embrace for your own life?

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Start Here

Start Here

On the surface, my life is an odd mix of glamorous travel and mundane moments. But the real adventure, for me, is inside: living in a world teetering on the edge of imagination, filled with unfounded dangers and fantastic delights, found even in the simplest acts. I imagine myself to be an everyday adventurer finding treasures in the mundane moments of life.   Are you a treasure hunter? What treasure do you seek in life? 

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Dew Drops

Dew Drops

Is it a question of love? We thrive by grace in life and we die by the hand of life. To me, this intricate web of the world is enchanting: Flowers pray, clouds weep, and a universe is reflected in the tiny curved surface of a dew drop. I mostly we walk through life oblivious except by virtue of poetry. How does life, speak to you?

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The biblical story of Adam and Eve tells that they grew ashamed of their nakedness after eating the fruit of the tree of good and evil.  Perhaps the story reveals how we lost our ability to be "naked," that is to be transparent, or even more accurate, to be honest with ourselves. Fig leaves then represent our cover up. Our secret shame is perpetuated by a society that pins our individual worth on money and things. On what do you base your self-worth?

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