Forever Etched

Forever Etched

There is a certain kind of equanimity that sometimes comes with age. Our lives may become narrower with infirmity but out hearts become wider with acceptance. Most of us are harsher critics of ourselves to a degree we would never go with our friends.  Self-compassion is one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves. How has aging (or maturity) helped you to accept your own foibles and foolishness? 

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Dreams In Each Other

Dreams In Each Other

I often imagine what life a stranger might have lived based on observation: how the person moves or talks or from some interaction with others. I sometimes use these observations to create a oppose about the imagined life. Dreams In Each Other is an example of how the other partner in a couple can serve as a placeholder for an issue which can then be held or resolved in a way that is not possible within oneself.

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Today Is The Day

Today Is The Day

Have you ever awakened in the morning and felt like something in your life had changed? I have. When I read great poets, like Rumi or Hafiz or David Whyte, I sometimes get the same feeling, as if there is another, unencumbered version of me or as if I live another life that is richer and fuller than this one in a parallel universe that is just a breath away. What if you could, in the space of a breath, become a richer, fuller version of yourself? How would you know it had happened? What would be different in your life if you lived the unencumbered version of yourself? 

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Agave Nectar

Agave Nectar

Recent tragedies from nature, including the devastating storms and the fires across the state of California, and other disasters in the world, show that we are children of the earth and we live at the mercy of weather. What is left when we lose everything? Perhaps the only thing we have, in the end, is our dignity. Have you suffered from potentially devastating circumstances in life? If so, how did it change you? What did it take from you and what did it bring out in you?

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