Struggling To Relax

Struggling To Relax

At times, many people, myself included, face this irony of working hard to relax. Our bodies become accustomed to tension and we hold tightened muscles unconsciously. The unnatural tension becomes natural. Consequently, we must work at relaxing and struggle against what has become normal in our bodies. Where do you carry your tension? What do you do to manage it?

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Forever Etched

Forever Etched

There is a certain kind of equanimity that sometimes comes with age. Our lives may become narrower with infirmity but out hearts become wider with acceptance. Most of us are harsher critics of ourselves to a degree we would never go with our friends.  Self-compassion is one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves. How has aging (or maturity) helped you to accept your own foibles and foolishness? 

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The Poets

The Poets

Are you being called to a deeper life? The Poets came to me almost in one piece after hearing a poetry reading at Barnes and Noble on a full moon night in 2003. The poem highlights a sense of having two selves: one lives a surface life of habits and hobbies, of interests and interactions on a daily basis. This is the little “s” self. The other one, the capital “S” Self, lives a deeper, richer life of which I am only faintly aware.

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