Harvest of Love

The river's edge is ever changing,
little ripples lap the bank,
bending the rule of rim and fringe,
stretching limits that never end.

It flows forever to me,
it speaks to me as “friend".

This is part of my "letters to future self" series. Click the tag at the bottom of the post to read others. On some occasions, as in this case, I write a reply as if from the future self! 

Letter to Summer Nick for August 15, 2016, (written February 15, 2016):

I commission this missive on President’s Day, the week before I make the move to a home in Sacramento, and a new harbor for my life. I have lived untethered for a time, keeping the space open for dreams of an exotic life, but I lacked the courage or the clarity to find a place to please my wish to wander. I find comfort in the familiar, even though it is not where my dreams sing, knowing the song of my soul does not need tropic scenes to be given to the world. My new home will be an anchor for presence, a settling of something inside that allows me more freedom of spirit than my wayward life has offered me in the past few years. 

I write of this now to remind you that each twist and turn of your journey came with a cost and gave you a gift. I write this so that you may feel your heart spreading wide for life, giving you the grounds for greatness, and an open sky where beauty becomes you. Now you can travel as one who has a home, a place of return that serves as metaphor for a core contact point in yourself where you make love with life.  Now, I look to the summer and see you wrapped in the heat of life, lounging in the moment, amused and mellowed by the years. This reading is your pause in the passage of time, the time to claim your squatters rights because you have worked the soil of yourself into a harvest of love. 

© Nick LeForce
All Rights Reserved

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Reply from August 15, 2015 (written February 15, 2016):
sent in the secret way that love bridges time and space, written into the world through your fingers on the keyboard:
You are the instrument with which I give voice to dreams. I make my appeal, not to your head, but to your heart because there is no justification or explanation for what I want to tell you. Read this slowly, out loud, and let each word find it's home inside of you:  

Stand tall, aligned with heaven, feet grounded on the earth, eyes bright with the fullness of life. Scan the terrain that holds your presence, reflecting it in yourself and laying your soul over all to become the world of your making. The world sings your dreams wherever you are, whether it be a tropical paradise walking hand-in-hand with your island lover leaning against you indulging your delight with each other in a glorious sunset, or working the group in a classroom filled with wide-eyed wanderers wanting an edge in life as they sit on the edge of their seats drinking in every word you say, or simply sipping coffee on a morning when the poetry of life writes itself into you. You have found the lost treasure in your heart and its endless bounty is only revealed by giving it freely to life.


Note: Over two years ago I dreamed of making a world tour as the Transformational Poet as part of my sabbatical from training and my quest to find my place as a poet. I did go on a few isolated trips during that time, but really did not have the structure or foundation to manifest a world tour. On August 15, the above letters arrived in my inbox while at the Collective Intelligence training with Robert Dilts. NLP practitioners from all over the globe attended, many of whom had heard my poetry recited by Robert, Stephen Gilligan, and Judith Delozier in classes around the world. Consequently, I began to piece together how I could actually make the world tour dream come true. Plans are now in the works for the "Endless Horizon World Tour:"  Keep posted for details!