Just A Way of Saying

Just A Way of Saying

Determining purpose is one of the most challenging areas of life. But we can look to other life forms and quickly make up a kind of purpose: all rivers flow to the sea because that s where they belong; plants “drink” the sun because they are lovers of the light. To me, metaphor opens a channel to our wisdom, a way of finding and giving guidance about how to live. If water belongs to the sea, then humans belong to humanity. Who do you hold onto in your heart? How might you express the place those dear ones have in your heart before disappearing?

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Hard Labor In The Head

Hard Labor In The Head

I wrote this prose-poem after reading a Rumi poem. I realized I was working at it, striving to understand what he really meant, and truly “get it.” Then, I had a little epiphany: I haven’t really worked that muscle in a while and was struck by the effort of making connections and threading together a deeper meaning from the words on the page. When I realized that the form of my writing matched the message of the content, I thought I would post it as a little challenge to see who might “get it.” . 

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I have a strange mix of deep trust in life and general skepticism. I am overly trusting with business assuming that we will work together with positive intention and keep each other’s best interests in mind. I have been burned a few times by this approach. Still, I keep trust as a travel companion and this poem explains why. What is your relationship, in general, to trust? Do you consider yourself a trusting person or not?

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Warrior of The Heart

Warrior of The Heart

This poem arrived as I listened to birds sing outside my window in the morning and wondered what it would be like to be a crooner among them. It is also part of an ongoing theme: what happens if I strip away my old story (for whatever is up in my life)? What if I I could “give up the quest for another world and simply say, ‘I am here'.’” I listened to the birds sing and wondered: What if I did one thing as if it was everything?

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Measure Of Your Moments

Measure Of Your Moments

For most of us, the clock dictates our life, serving as the reference point for daily activities and the common denominator for organizing collective effort. Often, it takes over our lives becoming more than a reminder of what to do when and, instead, serves as a meter for meaning and a measure of our self-worth. Woe to those who "waste time" whiling away their lives on what the world judges as trivia, (like the writing of poetry)...

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Not An Easy Truth

Not An Easy Truth

If you are not attentive, the world will take you, hijacking your spirit for its own ends. The hidden message in the popular dream of the world that we can "have it all" (that we can be rich or famous or above the rest) is that we must give our all to the dream. But if that dream is not truly yours, then you lose yourself in the bargain. What do you do to make sure you hold on to yourself in a world that wants to take you over?

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Dreams In Each Other

Dreams In Each Other

I often imagine what life a stranger might have lived based on observation: how the person moves or talks or from some interaction with others. I sometimes use these observations to create a oppose about the imagined life. Dreams In Each Other is an example of how the other partner in a couple can serve as a placeholder for an issue which can then be held or resolved in a way that is not possible within oneself.

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Today Is The Day

Today Is The Day

Have you ever awakened in the morning and felt like something in your life had changed? I have. When I read great poets, like Rumi or Hafiz or David Whyte, I sometimes get the same feeling, as if there is another, unencumbered version of me or as if I live another life that is richer and fuller than this one in a parallel universe that is just a breath away. What if you could, in the space of a breath, become a richer, fuller version of yourself? How would you know it had happened? What would be different in your life if you lived the unencumbered version of yourself? 

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