Welcome Home

Welcome Home

We often lose ourselves in order to live in the world, shooing away the wild and unacceptable in us and leaving it to fend for itself in a psychic terra-ephemera.  But that which we turn away often returns. Our response determines whether it will come as friend or foe, whether it will be our curse or our blessing.  How will you answer when the feral child, now fully grown, comes knocking?

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I Will Write

 I Will Write

Several years ago, I had a dramatic epiphany convincing me that I must write both to save my soul and to express my gift. I have written everyday since then, with rare exception, and know that I will continue to do so as long as I am able and whether or not what I produce is accepted and supported by the world. What is something that you must do to save your soul or for the sake of your sanity?

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The Poets

The Poets

Are you being called to a deeper life? The Poets came to me almost in one piece after hearing a poetry reading at Barnes and Noble on a full moon night in 2003. The poem highlights a sense of having two selves: one lives a surface life of habits and hobbies, of interests and interactions on a daily basis. This is the little “s” self. The other one, the capital “S” Self, lives a deeper, richer life of which I am only faintly aware.

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No Advance Notice

No Advance Notice

Talis Wong welcomed me as a second guest of honor at the table reserved for Judith Delozier and the students who were attending her class in Hong Kong. Strangely, I had written this poem a few days before hand. Judy and I had talked about meeting in Hong Kong, but made no specific plan until I arrived. So, the poem was prescient. I had written the poem to express a feeling of welcome from life and did not have the meet-up with Judy in mind.

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Endless Horizon

Endless Horizon

This is one of my favorite poems. I wrote it while walking the beach in Scarborough, Australia when a question formed: Is the horizon you envision for yourself big enough to hold your dreams? That question became the seed for my own self examination and growth and served as the key line in the poem that I composed over the next two days. What limits your horizon and what might you do to expand it?

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