Welcome Home

Welcome Home

We often lose ourselves in order to live in the world, shooing away the wild and unacceptable in us and leaving it to fend for itself in a psychic terra-ephemera.  But that which we turn away often returns. Our response determines whether it will come as friend or foe, whether it will be our curse or our blessing.  How will you answer when the feral child, now fully grown, comes knocking?

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Fool In Love

Fool In Love

At some point, everyone entertains the desire for a complete make-over in life, to be like the caterpillar transformed into the beauty that we know is our essence. We all have moments wishing we could be free of our limitations and permitted to live and love fully.  But we are also bound to our old ways and to the social and personal rules by which we live. If you could have a "second chance" in life, would you take it? What would it take to get a "second chance?"

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No Advance Notice

No Advance Notice

Talis Wong welcomed me as a second guest of honor at the table reserved for Judith Delozier and the students who were attending her class in Hong Kong. Strangely, I had written this poem a few days before hand. Judy and I had talked about meeting in Hong Kong, but made no specific plan until I arrived. So, the poem was prescient. I had written the poem to express a feeling of welcome from life and did not have the meet-up with Judy in mind.

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