The Lovesick Sea

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The Lovesick Sea


We live life overwhelmed by great love and great suffering, between the desire to swim the Lovesick Sea, surrounded by and immersed in love, and the fear of drowning in it. “Lovesick” typically implies a disorder of love. By definion, lovesick is to be so overwhelmed by love that you are unable to act normally, especially to be languishing for or with unrequited or unfulfilled love. The inflicons of infatuaon, lust, and unquenchable longing that drives fits of frenzy and despair was considered a “disease of the fantasy” and was diagnosed as “eroc melancholy.” To this day, the word lovesick tends to evoke images of pining away for someone. To put the emphasis of lovesickness on the downside is to ignore the power of love to elevate us, to send us into states of ecstasy and bliss. Love inspires us to take on the world with confidence and inspires acts of benevolence, kindness, generosity, and forgiveness, and urges us to risk ourselves for others or for the sake of love. There could be no longing or loss were it not for love. All the trouble and agitaon, all the raging waves and mirrored waters are sourced in love. To be alive is to be heartsick. To live is to swim in an ocean of love.

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