
Quick Flash.

Long pause.

Low, slow roll
thunders under
the gray sky
that hides sunrise.

Light drizzles in
as thin as the mist
that should be rain.

The ocean rests
in the cove,
hushed waves
too lazy to break,
slither up the sand
and sneak away
in the shy dance
of an uncertain lover. 

I witness
the tenderness
in a fine line
of little bubbles
lipping the shore,
the wave
backing away
with a bow

as tiny kisses
quick flash
everywhere over me,
a long pause
in a wet caress,

and a low, slow roll
thunders under my skin,
shy dancing at sun rise,
both of us now hidden,
both of us now seen.

© Nick LeForce
All Rights Reseved

When, under what circumstances,
do you slow dance with life?

Please share your thoughts and comments below.