

I love early morning walks on the seashore and sometimes catch shorebirds chasing waves or seeking food in the wet sand and chill air. I watch them dash around, back and forth, seemingly at random. We may claim superiority over the animals, pointing to our big brains and human erections as proof of our claim. Yet, from another view, we see the futility of our effort and it becomes clear that we are like them. 

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Life At Our Fingertips

Life At Our Fingertips

Do you have the Midas Touch? The Phrygian King Midas' was obsessed with gaining immeasurable wealth. His wish for a golden touch was granted and everything he touched turned to gold. The tale goes on to say that he died of starvation because even his food, and, sadly, his own daughter, were turned to gold by his touch. It is a cautionary tale about our current obsession with personal wealth. This poem, Life At Our Fingertips, celebrates another kind of gold that we can only find by living a soulful life. 

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When we embrace the heart cracked open, we are often moved to tears for no reason, as if the dam breaks and our joy and our sorrow flows out of our eyes with almost no provocation. When we are willing to be touched by life, we come to love this one life we are given no mater how damaged or distorted it may be. This blog celebrates a weekend with Mark Nepo at the end of July, 2017.

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Need To Know

Need To Know

We often start out with goal in mind and then find our desires change, or we lose our way, or life simply redirects us. It is easy to judge ourselves negatively when we "fail" to achieve a goal or land somewhere other than intended. What if the place where we land, even though it may not be where we wished to be, was actually waiting for our arrival and bows to receive us? 

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Sitting With Buddha

Sitting With Buddha

Spirit moves through us in magical ways and we never know when it will grant us an audience with the divine. Iconic images of enlightened ones offer an opportunity, but no guarantee. I have sat before spiritual images and never experienced the flash of enlightenment. Now, I look to writing and inner work to lift something up from the depths that might water the seeds of new life.

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Infinite Me

Infinite Me

Perhaps you have had one of those moments, somewhere between wake and sleep, when you enter a magic realm, and it feels as if a long time has passed, but you are surprised to find it was only a few moments of clock time. This playful poem is about that magic realm, a land of fantastic beings and magic moves, a fantasy world where I am free to fly as a bird or swim like a fish! What world waits for you when you enter that space between waking and sleeping?

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