The Ghosts We Carry

Although I am a lover of solitude, 
all the ghosts that I carry with me 
are now raising a clamor and my head 
is filled with their voices yammering
in a language I can’t understand. 

If I could see their formless faces, 
I might be able to tell whether 
they sing of love or sorrow, 
of courage or fear. 

I only know the feeling 
is of a river sometimes rushing 
in white-tipped rapids 
crashing around rocks 
and other times drifting 
so gently I am held aloft 
in their embrace. 

Maybe it is the same for you 
because the ghosts now hold 
the whole untouchable world 
in invisible hands. 

You and I can see each other 
across the digital waves. 
We get to peek into the private world 
we occupy while that space between 
is a perfect dance floor 
for our sheltered ghosts. 

This is what they
have waited for all along—
for us to open a space between 
our private and public worlds 
where they can dance
their fear and courage,
their sorrow and love
into the sky and the sea
and the ground and, 
through their blessing, 
make the world whole again... 

© Nick LeForce
All Rights Reserved

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As the virus wreaks havoc on our lives and our routines, it is easy to fall prey to worry and fear and the chattering voices they use to command our attention, especially when alone in our homes. Now, we connect with each other through zoom and webcams and, in a strange way, due to our home shelter, we get to invite people into the privacy of our homes as we peek into the private space of others. Perhaps that sea of airwaves between us provides a space where a great healing can occur. All the ghosts that we keep hidden can enter that space. Perhaps my love will dance with your fear; and your courage will dance with my sorrow because our ghosts have been looking for a partner, outside of ourselves, to dance themselves out and give their blessings to each other and to the world. That space in the airwaves, between our private and public worlds, is the perfect dance floor where my sorrow can dance with your courage and your fear can dance with my love!