
Once I asked the Night, 
“Tell me your secrets.” 

She said, “I’ve got 
a Baker’s dozen 
or you can get them 
one by one. Just 
don’t take it out 
on the Republicans.” *

“What?” I queried.
“Is that a paradox?” 

“No,” she said, 
“it’s a port of entry.” 

Then, it dawned on me. 
I asked, “Why do we cast 
the world in light and dark? 

She laughed, 
“It’s a way 
to learn how
to test the edges.” 

That’s when 
her daughter, 
Twilight, appeared, 
smiling at me 
with her star-
twinkled eyes 

and I fell 
from the sky
as she taught me 
that love 
doesn’t have 

night sky through trees copy.jpg

Excerpted from The Song of Falling Stars, my 7th e-book of love poems in the Valentine’s Day Series. Join me for a reading of selected poems from the book on:

Thursday, February 13, 2020
9-9:30 PM PST
Register even if you can’t attend,
it will be recorded!

© Nick LeForce 2020
All rights Reserved

*I lean to the left politically. But if you are on the other side, you can replace Republican with Democrat or put in the opposite of your preferred party from whatever country or political system to which you belong.

Perhaps the greatest challenge in the state of our union, especially given how our political dialogue has degraded into demonizing the other side, is to find some way to rise above or get beyond divisiveness in our rhetoric and to hold a space in our hearts that invites genuine and respectful dialogue. My poetry is mostly directed to the inner world on the premise that the inner and the outer worlds reflect each other. A more personal expression of this idea is the question: how can I be more respectful of, and engage in a genuine dialogue with, the dissenting parts within me and within my immediate life? How do I deal with the inner drives that go counter to my image of myself?

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