Let Me Familiarize Myself With You

Let Me Familiarize Myself With You

“Let me familiarize myself with you. I’m not just talking about assorted facts anyone can get to compose an obituary. I want you to know the history of my heart, the tiny tragedies and comical acts of my everyday life.” I wrote these beginning lines of this blog after looking up the etymology of the word “familiar,” which comes from the same root word as family. We typically use the word familiar to mean a casual knowing, but when turned into a verb, familiarize, it becomes the act of getting to know someone, especially through repeated interaction over time. This means that you learn the good and the bad in a person and expose the same in yourself. We create the family feeling through regular interaction in which we familiarize ourselves with each other and we come to know, appreciate, and ideally love the quirks and idiosyncrasies, the beauty and dignity, and even the faults and flaws that make us uniquely ourselves.

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Love Will Not Give Up

Love Will Not Give Up

This article is the conclusion excerpted from my latest book of Poetry: Falling Before Grace: I offer these poems to all who wonder, in the dark hours of life, if they have been left out or if they are unworthy of love. I offer them from the simple lesson poetry returns to me over and over again: even when I give up on love, love will not give up on me.

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For Valentine's Day

For Valentine's Day

Throughout the ages, seekers, suitors and sweethearts have turned to poetry to celebrate the arrival of love and to lament the loss of love. Falling Before Grace offers poems for every phase of love: from love at first sight to the mellowed love of those who have shared a lifetime together, and everything in between. A perfect gift for Valentine's Day!

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