Little Life On A Grand Scale

Some days are meant for unknowing, passing by in a parade that keeps my eyes and ears locked on a target, forgetting to look to my desire, or set my intent. These are the days of duty, when the world calls me in the moment, and I am led, and sometimes misled, like a bridled horse, by circumstance and the whim of my emotion, coming to the end of the day wondering, “What happened?” 

I wrote this as my daily intent for Friday, February 3, 2017.  Some days are meant for unknowing refers to the neglect to do my intent writing session the day before, which is actually quite rare for me. I sometimes get swept up into the day from the get-go.  

What do you do to consciously steer your life? How do you get back to  your chosen path when you stray? And for the other side of the equation:  What benefit comes from living on auto-pilot?

Click the Daily Intent tag below to read more of these entries. 

This is not bad, not a matter to be corrected, but a chance to see how easily I am taken by the world, how fully I give myself to the moment, how readily I walk the path before me. I strive to live consciously. I work to point my feet in the desired direction, to take steps aligned with my deep yearning and the dreams I wish to live in my life while also feeling the ground beneath me, living the moment as it is even as I cast my eyes to that distant horizon. 

This is the acrobatics I practice daily: my forward progress marked by backward glances, my increasing success mixed with stunning failures, my potential and promise at once fulfilled and broken. My goal is simple: to live, as best I can, this little life outwardly on a grand scale inwardly.   

© Nick LeForce
All Rights Reserved

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