The Significance Of Our Lives

This excerpt is from the Introduction to my next book poetry with the working title, Hide and Seek, to be published in fall 2016:

Poem, Picture, and Recital © 2016 Nick LeForce

I screen my life. I talk to the device I always carry with me as a best friend in my pocket. I know it is not the thing that holds my heart, but the spirit in the thing does because it is the partner with which I dance across the digital divide between the world I walk with my feet and the one I tap into with my fingers. It holds my creativity and captures my thoughts and feelings for future reference. It stores a hidden world of words and images, including the lessons and stories of people across time. It links me to the faces and voices of family and friends and millions that live in the great web we have woven.  

The Significance Of Our Lives is an example of a process for
transforming experience into wisdom, living life beautifully, 
making your unique contribution to the world,
and leaving behind a meaningful legacy.
I call this process: 

Wording the World


We are the generation on the brink, the bridge to a field of possibilities found only in the imagination. We are rapidly accelerating these extensions of self from clothes and clubs to cameras and cars and now to wifi and virtual worlds where we may become what we wish. There may well be a version of me that lives on in a digitized capture of my essence that shall continue to write the lines that live in my heart, lines unknown even to me as I live in this body and wander this earth, but authored by that essence after I leave this world. Perhaps the greatest poem I shall ever compose will come after I die! And it makes an odd kind of sense because what makes a poem great is how it lives and lands in its readers, authored by one but lived by millions. 

Every line I write becomes new in your heart and mind. Every poem comes alive only when taken in, only when turned over, and when told again in a new voice.  We do not know how our life impacts the world. But we all wish for a meaningful part in the great play of life. Deep down we all know that the significance of our lives cannot be found in the footprints we leave, but in the lives we touch. Our legacy can never be contained in the things we leave behind, it can only be carried in the hearts and minds of those who look back to us and find the flame that keeps spirit alive.

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