Working My Flawed Grace

I open my calendar to spaciousness and look out over fertile soil where good seeds sprout. Not all new beginnings start with recognition, or the blessing of intent, and many without hatched plans and a set course. I hang my desires in the closet for the moment. I put my future casting instruments in safe storage. I take this moment to speak to you from my heart, from my place in the moment, without pretense of knowing where you live and what occupies your mind as you trade one year in for another.

I have landed in myself, found anchorage in my core, and claimed my presence. I now stand in my life as my own man. I have the freedom to move in any direction according to the call of life and the inclination of my soul. I am here in this moment on the morning of January 1, 2017 to give testament to my life as a work of art.

I am an imperfect miracle, bringing my flawed grace to the world as best I can, struggling with a discord of desires that sometimes steals my attention and directs me away from my chosen path. I have come to love these whims and wishes, this mix of emotions that fills my days with oddly predictable surprise and suspense. I am both the better of me and the worst of me, the great one and the guilty one, and I am, at last, able to embrace it all as my spirit blossoms out of the soil of my life.

This journey has lead me to strange lands and lonely peaks, straddling faith in a destiny that steers my soul with mistrust in myself and the collected fears of a lifetime. I do no know what progress you will have made on the path to our dreams or if you will be, like me, a wandering troubadour, living on the edge of a grand life, glimpsing another level you think you must attain while your heart beats for this one.

I open my calendar to spaciousness. I look out over the soil of my life where good seeds sprout. I tender my self, working my flawed grace into the garden you now inhabit.

With love form the one you once were.

This Letter To Future Self was written on January 19, 2016 to be read on January 1, 2017

For my "Letters To Future Self," I pick a date, check my calendar to see what is scheduled, and then write a letter storing it in the reminder system on Evernote to be read on the selected date. I do not look at the letter again until the "arrival" date.

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Where did 2106 lead you?
Are you happy with the passed year?
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© Nick LeForce
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